2010년 8월 27일 금요일
2010년 8월 26일 목요일
Comfort Women

History of Japanese Military's Comfort Women | |
Around 1932, comfort houses were built around occupied territories and their quality changed at the end of 1937. These places lasted until the end of the war. As there became more occupied territories, and the war was extended into a longer period of time, Japanese navy and army started an organized policy to manage the comfort houses. At first, the policy was at an expeditionary army’s level, but it became more organized and eventually became a policy of the army’s headquarters. | |
In 1937, as the China-Japan war intensified, the Japanese military began building more comfort houses. After the Shanghai accident was over and Nanjing was occupied by the Japanese, comfort houses were built and maintained by the military’s line of command. During this period of time, the Japanese military and police were involved in the systematic draft of comfort women. Women were abducted by the Japanese military all around Chosun (old Korea), China, Japan, Taiwan and other countries. | |
By the end of 1938, more than 70 comfort houses were built around China, and there were more than 1000 comfort women. Most of these comfort women were from Chosun. A secret document, “Chosun counter plan” which was written after Japan started the China-Japan war in July 1937, has a clause saying that “Unmarried women in Chosun shall be used to supply the military’s special business” along with a clause to take men from Chosun to Japan to make them work in mines and armor factories. It was a system that the Japanese military was leading and the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japanese government organizations and the government general were actively collaborating on. | |
In July 1941, Japan made a plan to recruit 20,000 comfort women from Chosun, and put the plan into action. As a result, along with the help from the government general, Japanese military abducted about 8,000 women from Chosun and sent them to North-eastern China. The abductors used various methods. One popular way was to promise a woman a job that didn’t exist. Once she agreed to go along, she would be put to work in a comfort house. | |
In December 1941, as the war expanded to the Pacific War, the establishment of comfort houses increased. It is not an exaggeration to say that at every single battle field, there was at least one comfort house. | |
In January 1943, there were about 100 comfort houses in Northern China, about 140 comfort houses in central China, about 40 comfort houses in Southern China, about 100 comfort houses in South eastern Asia, about 10 comfort houses in the southern sea, about 10 comfort houses in Saghalien, totaling to about 400 comfort houses. Every army division had about 5 to 6 comfort houses, and the comfort women at those stations were usually from Chosun or Japan. As the war expanded, it was impossible for the military to recruit enough Japanese prostitutes and regular women from Chosun so they started to abduct girls from Chosun using numerous methods and made them as sex-slaves. | |
In 1942, a large number of women from Chosun were sent to the southern regions. In 1943, according to documents by the Japanese Military, there were 20 comfort houses in Juk-jung lee, and in 11 of the houses, most of the comfort women were 18 to 19 year old girls who had no previous experience in prostitution. | |
By the end of 1943, because it had become harder to mobilize goods and manpower, it was impossible to build comfort houses using private companies. Japanese military started building more comfort houses around Okinawa and Indonesia, and the number of comfort women recruitment increased. On top of recruitment from Chosun, Japanese military also abducted women from occupied territories. | |
Japanese Army's Comfort Women... | |
Comfort women who were organized under “Female Comfort Women Labor Statement” were organized to supplement labor due to the loss in labor during the war. Therefore, female labor Jung Sin Dae and Japanese military’s comfort women were fundamentally different. Japanese government institutionalized comfort houses during the China and Japan war and the Pacific War. Comfort houses were a place where comfort women were confined and military troops came in groups in order to gratify their lust. The Japanese Military abducted countless women and sent them to the front line, and systematically forced them into sex slavery. The abducted women were stationed at different comfort houses, and repeatedly raped. They used to be called “Jong-goon we ahn boo’ (從軍慰安婦). However, that word assumes a voluntary action rather than a forced action; therefore it is not an appropriate expression. Internationally, | |
expressions such as“sex-slaves”and“rape victims” are used, and those are the words that most appropriately convey the essence of the nature. We currently address them as“Japanese Military’s We Ahn Boo(comfort women).”The word‘Jung Sin Dae’which is presently familiar to the general crowd via mass media means a military unit that sacrificed their bodies for the country. The word,“Jung Shin Dae”, used to be used with the same meaning as“Japanese Military’s We Ahn Boo”, and started to appear on newspapers in 1940s. During this period of time,“Jung Shin Dae”meant women who were working at factories that made products that were military-related. A lot of women who used to work at factories were abducted by Japanese military and used as comfort women, and that is why the word“Jung Shin Dae”was used to mean comfort women. However,“Jung Shin Dae”is necessarily not the same word as comfort women. We estimate that about 200,000 Korean women were abducted by the Japanese military as comfort women. Most of them died, and there are only 158 comfort women who have identified themselves as comfort women to the Korean government since 1992. Of these, about forty women died, and the comfort women who are still alive, including ones that are not included in the government’s statistics, total about one hundred forty one. Nine of them currently live in the House of Sharing, which is a registered social welfare organization. | |
From : http://www.nanum.org/eng/menu02/index.html |
2010년 8월 25일 수요일

For more information :
2010년 8월 24일 화요일
'Korea's 100-year dream project' - From South Africa, Rome to London and heading to U.S.
Asia Economy Newspaper Go, Jae-Wan] Planned by Seo, Kyoungduk, Korea PR expert and a guest professor in Sungshin Women’s University, and designed by international fashion designer Lee, Sangbong, ‘Korea’s 100-year dream project’ also took place in UK.
Prof. Seo who is visiting London with university students has said “Starting from collecting precious dreams of South Africans last June when the World Cup was held, we are planning to collect the dreams of Europeans all around Europe while we visit various parts of Europe during two weeks in July.
James(35), who took part in front of Buckingham Palace said “I wish my newly started private business to flourish and all my family be well.”
German tourist Saskia(17), visiting London, said “I wish that there be abundant supply of water in poor countries so that people around the world can be happy.
Approximately 8,000 people including Koreans and foreigners have participated in this project so far. This project will be held until the end of September in Korean metropolitan and local cities, in Europe during July, in US during August, and Asia during September, collecting hopes and dreams of people around the globe.
Starting from July, online participation is available. By clicking ‘Say your dream’ in the official web site(www.dreamofworld.com), anyone can participate in this project by writing their dream in either Korean or English.
Prof. Seo, who made headlines last year by making “Thumbprint hanging picture of martyr An, Jung-geun” with thumbprints of more than thirty thousand citizens to celebrate the 100th anniversary of martyr Ahn’s assassination, is again, working with the creative culture club ‘ssengjonkyoungjeng.
This project is planning to collect fabric pieces with dreams written on them from 20,100 people all around the globe and create a large hanging work which will be displayed in Kwangwhamoon district during G20 summit meeting.
Go, Jae-Wan star@<ⓒ Asia Economy Newspaper & Stoo.com) 2010.07.16